
Respite is built on top of Scalatra, a Scala port of Ruby's Sinatra. For background and further detail on the routing DSL refer to the docs.

Respite controllers provide a powerful routing DSL & come standard with type-safe, JSON to case class conversion, including field-level validation.

Other out-of-the-box features include:

REST Controllers

For out-of-the-box CRUD services for your Models, create and register an instance of a RestController. This can be done in one of two ways: declaring a new Class extending RestController (recommended for all but the simplest of controllers) or creating a new value object of type RestController:

The following examples highlight the two forms:

New Class

class ProductController(repository: ReactiveRepository[Product, BSONObjectID])(override implicit val bindingModule: BindingModule, override implicit val tag: ClassTag[Product], override implicit val objectIdConverter: String => BSONObjectID) extends RestController[Product, BSONObjectID]("products", Product.format, repository)

Value Object

def route = new RestController[Product, BSONObjectID]("products", Product.format, new ProductRepository) with MetricsRestSupport[Product, BSONObjectID], "/products")

The latter form is generally only useful for fairly uninteresting CRUD services.

JSON Services

If you don't require Model persistence, mixin the PlayJsonSupport[T] Trait, specifying the type that will be converted to/from JSON.

val playServlet = new TestServlet with PlayJsonSupport[User]

Registering Controllers

Once you have created your Controller, simply add an instance of one with the context.mount() method in your ScalatraBootstrap class:

class ScalatraBootstrap extends LifeCycle {
  protected implicit def executor: ExecutionContext =

  override def init(context: ServletContext) {

    // Import implicit definitions into Scope
    implicit val bindingModule = ProductionConfigurationModule  // DI Configuration object
    import  // JSON extensions

    // Add Controllers here
    context.mount(new RestController[User, BSONObjectID]("users", User.format, new UserRepository), "/users/")
    context.mount(new MyModelController(new MyRepository), "/mymodels/")

API Keys & Authentication

API Keys are a simple way to control access to your APIs, but

Manually managed keys

Useful during development, these keys are essentially an in-memory map that are not persisted between application restarts.

Create an instance of a ConfigAuthenticationStrategy setting the keys in the map:

// Authentication API with default keys
object ConfigAuthStrategy extends ConfigAuthenticationStrategy {
  override var keys = Map("admin" -> ApiKey(application = "admin", description = "Test App", key = "testkey")) ++
                      Map("murray" -> ApiKey(application = "bill", description = "Foo App", key = "murray"))

Database Persisted Keys

Ensure a local Mongo database is available with the table 'apikeys' available. Respite provides a ApiKeyRepository class to persist keys, which you can use when creating the DatabaseAuthenticationStrategy object:

val repository = new ApiKeyRepository
override implicit val authenticationStrategy = new DatabaseAuthenticationStrategy(repository)

Mixin the Authentication magic

Once you've created the AuthenticationStrategy object, mixin the Authentication Trait to your Controller and set the authenticationStrategy to your new configuration object:

class UserController(repository: ReactiveRepository[User, BSONObjectID])(override implicit val bindingModule: BindingModule, override implicit val tag: ClassTag[User], override implicit val objectIdConverter: String => BSONObjectID) extends RestController[User, BSONObjectID]("users", User.format, repository)[User, BSONObjectID] with Authentication {
  override implicit val authenticationStrategy = ConfigAuthStrategy

API Key Management REST API

Respite provides a simple REST API to manage API tokens at run time:

POST/tokens/ {"application" : "kickass", "key" : "pants", "description":"We sell awesome pants" }


Visit the section Monitoring & Metrics for a detailed description of Respite's capabilities in the space.

RestController classes are already instrumented with the typed MetricsRestSupport[T] Trait, containing a default health check implementation. For other Controller classes, use the MetricsSupport Trait.


As with metrics, RestController classes require a the CachingRouteSupport and non-RestController Routes should use CachingSupport Trait. However, unlike Metrics, caching is disabled by default.

Creating Custom Cache entries

The caching DSL is fairly straightforward, wrapping a block with cache(key) will return a Future[Any]. The following example wraps the contents of a POST operation (something which is not automatically cached for obvious reasons):

  post("/foobar") {
    cache("es") {
      Future {"About to find all")

Expiring Cache Entries

The cache can be completely expired via the clear method on the cache property. A REST service also exists at DELETE /cache/ and DELETE /cache/:key.

Overriding caching TTLs

By default, responses are cached forever, unless the cache is invalidated by way of a DELETE or POST operation.If you'd like to change this behaviour, simply override the following properties of any class instrumented via CachingSupport.

  override val timeToLive = 300 seconds
  override val timeToIdle = 60 seconds

NOTE: The Caching implementation uses the `scala.concurrent.duration` package for its unit of time declarations.


Mixin LoggingSupport to access a Logback logger object with the standard methods. By default, this will be sent to stdout (see logs for best practice on 12 factor apps) but can be easily configured to log to another location.

// Creates a route on "/logme" which will log to console on request
get("/logme") {
  logger.debug("This is a debug log on path `/logme`")